TOPIC: Unfailing mercies of God TEXT: Psalm 85:6-7; Psalm 90: 13-14 INTRODUCTION: When men sin, they arouse the wrath of God which often lead to either discipline or affliction. The wrath of God that descends depends on the gravity of the offence and if corrections are made on time this fierceness can lessen. The evidence that people take to the correction of God is shown when they return to God in what is termed revival. Revivals start by God’s inspiration because He wants to show mercy to people. Man’s effort alone is not enough to full turn back to God and to abate His wrath, he needs God’s help. 1.The need for mercy: God has a purpose for all things. His omniscience knew man would sin and so purposed in Himself being a good God, and predetermined that His mercy, would never fail and would endure forever (Lam.3:22-23). By His [...]
TOPIC: Dealing with thrones of Iniquity TEXT: Psalm 94: 20-23 INTRODUCTION: Righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of God in character, attitude, and action. God encompasses holiness, goodness, and sinlessness. No one can attain unto this because of the fall and so, God had to intervene so that anyone who believes in His sacrifice can be imputed with His righteousness. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2Cor.5:21). The anti-thesis of this is iniquity, which means twisted, not straight, bent from the standard of God. So, when we talk of the throne of iniquity, it refers to a government that has twisted people in the echelons of government using their powers to oppress the people. Our topic helps to highlight how we can deal with such anomaly in whatever environment [...]
10/1/2023 TOPIC: The cycles of sin TEXT: Psalm 106: 43-48 INTRODUCTION: God was, is, and will always be faithful in all His transactions, and so will always be worthy of praise. The partners, Israel, or mankind, with whom God transacts covenants are however unfaithful by virtue of their fallen nature. To balance things out and to help us in this dilemma, writings of the ancients throw light on the historical perspectives highlighting causes and remedy of man’s disloyalty. The bible declares that “all scripture is God breathed, and profitable for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2Tim.3: 16-17). Our text tells us of the failings of God’s people and the consequences for being unfaithful to an ever faithful God whose mercies endures forever towards those that keep faith with His covenants. It tells of the [...]
TOPIC: KNOWING GOD PERSONALLY TEXT: JOB 42:5; GENESIS 28:20-21 INTRODUCTION: Job was described as blameless and upright, a man who feared God, who shunned evil and no one like him on earth. His confession however was that all these were attained from what he heard of God. Imagine his surprise when he personally had a revelation of God. It changed him completely and put him in awe about the power, might, justice and beauty of God. Perhaps you are here today listening to or reading this message and have not had a personal knowledge of God, the provisions and unfailing mercies of God may not be available to you unless you decide to do so. I pray that the Spirit of God would minister and encounter you this first day of the year in Jesus's name. 1.Knowing God generally: God wants to be known by all His creation and this [...]
Goodness and Mercy shall follow me
THEME: 2023 YEAR OF DIVINE PROVISIONS AND UNFAILING MERCIES TOPIC: Goodness and Mercy shall follow me TEXT: PSALM 23:6 INTRODUCTION: It is only an ungrateful heart that will not acknowledge the goodness of God in life. David was not such a man. Having been brought up from the wilderness where he looked after sheep to the highest position and sustained by God on the throne of Israel, he penned for us his experience of the goodness of God. Not only was God good to him, but God also showed him mercy on many occasions in the place of judgment. What is it about God’s goodness and about His mercy that David wants us to know about in this psalm? We get to know this, first by looking at the definitions. Goodness of God is about His generosity to all His creation and His mercy is about the pardon He gives [...]
2022: Year of Divine Facilitation and Discernible Fulfillment TEXT: Ezra 7:6 TOPIC: The hand of God INTRODUCTION: The hand is a tool of locomotion or movement. The hands do so much for us, grasping, feeling, holding, manipulating, caressing and more. Spiritually, it blesses and represents strength, protection and power. Because it does the will of the owner, it may symbolically represent the person or an extension of the person. The attribution of a hand to God called anthropomorphism is a human concept to visualize God or giving Him human descriptors. The hand of God can refer to His power and judgment whereby He can make and unmake, create and destroy. It can also represent His mercy and forgiveness (Ps 37:24). God moves to achieve His plans with His hands. It represents His intervention, facilitation or approval of human affairs. In essence it is the medium where God does everything by [...]