Recovering what the enemy has stolen
LSM SUNDAY MESSAGE 5-5-2019 THEME: DIVINE PEACE AND ASSURED ESTABLISHMENTS TOPIC: Recovering what the enemy has stolen Text: 1Samuel 30:8-20 INTRODUCTION: When men begin to weep then you must know that it has to do with a situation that has touched their hearts. David and his men were in a situation where they wept until they were too exhausted to weep anymore. Loved ones, women, sons, daughters and aged ones had been carried away captives to be used as slaves by the Amalekites. This situation was precipitated by self- will and disobedience. Is there anyone here today or you have anyone close to you that have been robbed and have been taken captives by the enemy? You have wept so much over the situation and you are wondering if there is any solution. God has a message for you today that weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes [...]
Sin in the camp
LSM SUNDAY MESSAGE 1-28-2018 THEME: DIVINE FOCUS AND MIRACULOUS TURN-AROUND TOPIC: Sin in the Camp TEXT: Joshua 7:1-12 INTRODUCTION: Sin is doing something against God or a person. Sin can be divided into three main categories. It is the general term for anything falling short of the glory of God. It may be intentional or unintentional. The sin nature or tendency to sin lies in every man. It induces the man to trespass. Trespass is a sin that is committed knowing fully well that it is prohibited by the Lord. It is intentional violation of law of God. It is going beyond one’s boundary or right, it is to do that which annoys or inconveniences another. The third aspect of sin is iniquity which is more deeply rooted and the premeditated choice to do something wrong and to continue without repentance. David’s sin with Bathsheba that led to the killing [...]
God is not slack
LSM SUNDAY MESSAGE 1-21-2018 THEME: DIVINE FOCUS AND MIRACULOUS TURN-AROUND TOPIC: God is not slack TEXT: 2Peter 3:9; Joshua 6 INTRODUCTION: To be slack means to be loose, less active, slow, sluggish, without care or diligence, be without work or activity, not held tightly or holding well to a position. In the way some men apply this term to God, they feel that God is not holding up or acting according to His promises in their lives when things fail to happen as they expect. Are you here this morning and you have been having this type of feeling about the God of the universe? I want to admonish you this day that the ways of the Lord of the universe are past finding out. Rom 11 :33 states this clearly “ O how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand [...]
Look before you leap
TOPIC: Look before you leap TEXT: Joshua 5:13-15; Psalm 121 INTRODUCTION: Of all the walled cities in Palestine, Jericho was probably the most invincible. Israel’s army had no siege engines, no battering rams, no catapults, and no moving towers. Their only weapons were slings, arrows, and spears-which were like straws against the walls of Jericho. How would they take possession of the Land God had given them? So many are standing by their Jericho today and contemplating like Joshua how to take it. The psalmist records “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth” What is that Jericho you need to take, look up to God before you leap. Looking unto Jesus: The art of looking at the hills is not so much that the hills can give any help, but the psalmist [...]
Taking the step of faith
TOPIC: Taking the step of faith TEXT: Genesis 12:1-9 INTRODUCTION: Life is a passage or journey through time of God’s creations. There is a beginning and an end. It is measured in ages, centuries, years, seasons, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Science has advanced to such heights that it is now measured in fractions of seconds. No matter the measurement used, a unit of time is a step. It is referred to as a moment. It is that time that you move from one place to another in time. In the physical, that move is initiated by a force. Spiritually, that force is the word of God. The force is appropriated by hearing the word of God for bible records that “Faith cometh by hearing; and hearing the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). The word of God is powerful and accomplishes the will of God universally. Without faith [...]
Stepping into Divine Destiny
CROSSOVER SERVICE DECEMBER 31,2017 TOPIC: Stepping into Divine destiny Text: Joshua 3: v 17 INTRODUCTION: Canaan was promised to Abraham 400 years before the final occupation by his offsprings and the fulfillment of God’s promised inheritance. I come to prophesy to the life of someone her today “I do not care how long it has been that you have your promise pending, this year 2018 you will step into your Divine destiny by Divine miraculous power in Jesus name”. After Israel was rescued from slavery in Egypt, what should have taken them 40 days took the 40 years. I come to declare to someone tonight that your Israelite wandering in the desert of the world is ended. I just want to share a few words about the steps Israel took in Joshua 3, to change their status from foreigner to landowner. I strongly feel in my spirit that someone’s [...]