Pastor’s Corner2017-05-25T23:37:26+00:00


TOPIC: Rise from sleep TEXT: PSALM 65:1-3; Habakkuk 3:2; INTRODUCTION: Every believer is called (Rom.8:30) into a union with Christ. He is the sole means of spiritual life for anyone who wants intimacy with the God the Father (1Cor.1:9). Jesus assures us that no one can go to the father except through Him. For this privilege, we have to be thankful. However, a lot of believers have forgotten this fact and have sort of slept spiritually by being out of union with Him. It is the union with Christ that brings the glory of the father, and that enables any work for God to be done. To do anything for God, you have to be awake to see what He wants you to do, and this begins in the spiritual realm (John 5:19). God is faithful, in that when He calls a person, and the person is sleeping, He will [...]


TOPIC: MUCH MORE LAND TO BE TAKEN TEXT: ISAIAH 60:1-3; 55:12,13 INTRODUCTION: One of the features of the end times are the signs that will be manifested on earth and in the heavens. For some, the omens are bad and for the children of God they will be good because they point to the coming of the Lord. To perceive theses signs however, one must be fully awake. This means sensitivity in the spirit to discern and know what God is saying and doing in these times. So many scriptures have highlighted the need to be awake because of God’s visitation. It is only those that are awake that will benefit from it. God visits to see how we are faring in the dominion of the earth. God has given the earth to sons of men. He expects us to dominate all. God promised a land to faithful Abraham, and [...]


Topic: THE VOICE OF GOD Text: Isaiah 55:3; Psalm 29:3-9 INTRODUCTION: It is the desire of God that we hear His voice for by it we were designed to live. Matthew 4: 4 say clearly man must not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God” It is apparent that Satan having made Adam to listen to him, the first time around, thought he could try it with the second Adam who is Christ. Christ being creator of all things in His encounter with satan teaches us a lesson that if we listen to Satan’s voice, death will result. It is only God’s voice that gives life. This makes it very important and vital that we should seek at all costs to hear the voice of God. God already calls out to us in Isaiah 55:3. 1.The symbolism of the voice: The voice represents a device [...]


TOPIC:  Unfailing mercies of God TEXT: Psalm 85:6-7; Psalm 90: 13-14 INTRODUCTION: When men sin, they arouse the wrath of God which often lead to either discipline or  affliction. The wrath of God that descends depends on the gravity of the offence and if corrections are made on time this fierceness can lessen. The evidence that people take to the correction of God is shown when they return to God in what is termed revival. Revivals start by God’s inspiration because He wants to show mercy to people. Man’s effort alone is not enough to full turn back to God and to abate His wrath, he needs God’s help. 1.The need for mercy: God has a purpose for all things. His omniscience knew man would sin and so purposed in Himself being a good God, and predetermined that His mercy, would never fail and would endure forever (Lam.3:22-23). By His [...]


TOPIC: Dealing with thrones of Iniquity TEXT: Psalm 94: 20-23 INTRODUCTION: Righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of God in character, attitude, and action. God encompasses holiness, goodness, and sinlessness. No one can attain unto this because of the fall and so, God had to intervene so that anyone who believes in His sacrifice can be imputed with His righteousness. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2Cor.5:21). The anti-thesis of this is iniquity, which means twisted, not straight, bent from the standard of God. So, when we talk of the throne of iniquity, it refers to a government that has twisted people in the echelons of government using their powers to oppress the people. Our topic helps to highlight how we can deal with such anomaly in whatever environment [...]


 10/1/2023 TOPIC: The cycles of sin TEXT: Psalm 106: 43-48 INTRODUCTION:  God was, is, and will always be faithful in all His transactions, and so will always be worthy of praise. The partners, Israel, or mankind, with whom God transacts covenants are however unfaithful by virtue of their fallen nature. To balance things out and to help us in this dilemma, writings of the ancients throw light on the historical perspectives highlighting causes and remedy of man’s disloyalty. The bible declares that “all scripture is God breathed, and profitable for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2Tim.3: 16-17). Our text tells us of the failings of God’s people and the consequences for being unfaithful to an ever faithful God whose mercies endures forever towards those that keep faith with His covenants. It tells of the [...]

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