The letter of Paul to Timothy 1Tim 5:6 highlights a characteristic that should not be found in any believer. Paul calls this living in pleasure. This characteristic means to be complacent about the things of GOD. Any believer who knows the value of salvation should not be tired of living and working for God. If you feel like giving up, I prophesy that the power that raised Jesus from the dead will lift you up this morning In Jesus name. The teaching of Christ clearly tells us the blessedness of living as true believers. He says of believers, you are the salt of the earth, if salt loses its savor, it becomes useless. You will not become useless in the house of God in Jesus name. He also says, you are the light of the world, let your light shine before men that they may glorify your father who is in Heaven. I prophesy that your light will not go dim or go out in Jesus name. What then is our challenge today? It is to make sure that we discern continually how we are living.


When one is contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned: He had become complacent after years of success. Collins English dictionary translates complacent as a complacent person who is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.

Israel was living in the same manner when God sent Amos to them. They were dead to God, insensitive, not hearing God, not seeing God, not feeling God, not needing God. Such a situation is dangerous. It is not a situation any child of God should be. It is like being dead while still alive.

Do you still trust God? Are you neglecting prayers and supplication? Lacking in self- control or restraint; free from inhibition and worry about some things; pride of wealth; busy bodies, wandering from house to house, self indulgence. The danger is that God has already considered that person to be dead. The person is crucifying the son God all over again. You will not be dead to God In Jesus name.

The bible records that the fellow is in slippery places and that they are cast down to destruction. Their image is despised before God Ps. 73:20 This will not be our portion in Jesus name.


To remove this danger we must redeem the time.

In Matthew 5:3-16, Jesus teaches about the characteristics to be possessed by those who are to be blessed of God. They are  believers who are of no account in their own eyes– totally dependent on God; who are heart -broken over sin– a heart crushed is a fragrant heart; humble; hunger and thirst after righteousness-desire for fuller  life; merciful; pure in heart, peacemakers; experienced suffering for the sake of righteousness.

In other words, our behavior must flow out of our belief. These are behaviors that a Christian must have. They must not be complacent in any because it is a package. We must endeavor to continually seek God to guide us no matter what because we have no other but God in heaven, none on the earth beside Him. He is the strength of our heart and our portion forever. We must not be far from Him so that we do not perish. The dangers of living at ease are very real especially these days. We must draw near to God and put our trust in Him so that we may be the salt and light He wants us to be.