TOPIC: Sin in the Camp

TEXT: Joshua 7:1-12

INTRODUCTION: Sin is doing something against God or a person. Sin can be divided into three main categories. It is the general term for anything falling short of the glory of God. It may be intentional or unintentional. The sin nature or tendency to sin lies in every man. It induces the man to trespass. Trespass is a sin that is committed knowing fully well that it is prohibited by the Lord. It is intentional violation of law of God. It is going beyond one’s boundary or right, it is to do that which annoys or inconveniences another. The third aspect of sin is iniquity which is more deeply rooted and the premeditated choice to do something wrong and to continue without repentance. David’s sin with Bathsheba that led to the killing of Uriah was iniquity (Ps. 32:1). The bible in our text talks about Achan sinning in trespass against the Lord resulting in Israel being cursed and isolated from God. Whatever the type of sin we have committed or committing, the word of God to us this morning is to repent and to remove such from our lives so that our relationship with the Lord can be restored. Failure to do so can result in defeat.

  1. A holy camp: The camp of Israel was located at Gilgal. It was the place where Israel used as base and as a launch pad to conquering the rest of Canaan. It was a place of circumcision where the reproach of Egypt was rolled away from off the children of Israel. It was a place where God dwelt with His people and thus was to be maintained in holiness. It united all Israel as a holy nation to the Lord. Anything that affected any one affected all. It is synonymous with the heart of the believer, a place where God dwells and from where he receives guidance. Anything that affected the heart affected the whole person. The bible enjoins to guard the heart with all diligence for out of it proceeds the issues of life. God specifically warned Israel as He is warning every believer today “keep prohibited or accursed thing out of your life”. The reason is that you are a royal priesthood, a holy nation that has been set aside to declare the glory of God. Anything less than holiness is not acceptable to God “Be ye holy for I am holy”.
  2. An accursed camp: The trespass of Achan brought a curse upon the whole camp of Israel according to God’s word. “And ye keep yourselves from the accursed thing lest you make yourselves accursed when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse and trouble it”(Josh 6:18). A curse is the opposite of blessing. It disables one from the blessings and presence of God. The bible declares the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). Death means separation from the life of God and thus the blessings. In essence Achan’s actions made God to separate from the camp of Israel, disabling it. The result of course was the defeat they suffered at the hands of the king of Ai. Sin in the heart of the believer unconfessed, will always lead to defeat because the basis of victory which is God, has been isolated. Are you facing defeats at the hand of the enemy, you need to look inside your heart and search for where you have got it wrong and what has made God to depart. Ask Him to illuminate your heart so that you can take the necessary steps (1Cor. 11:28; Psa139:23; Ps. 26:2; Prov.17:3)
  3. A repentant camp: For God to return to the camp of Israel and for them to enjoy the victory that comes only from God, they needed to repent. God told Joshua, “therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they were accursed: neither will be with you anymore, except ye destroy the accursed from among you”. Achan by trespassing was accursed and this also rubbed off on Israel. The requirement of God is that Achan should be done away with. He had to be removed, killed so that his sin would not spread. Nothing short of eliminating sin from our lives can satisfy God. It means to repent and wash ourselves in the precious blood of Jesus for it is only the blood of Jesus that can bring us again near to God. No other means is acceptable (1John 1:9, Ps. 51:2; Ps. 32:5; Prov. 28:13).

Conclusion: Are you here this morning feeling defeated, do not dismay for Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to cleanse you. Come to Him and accept Him as your Lord and His blood will cleanse you. If already accepted Him but are now caught up in sin, repent and confess and He will restore you back to fellowship.