Danger at the time of ease
TEXT: AMOS 6:1 INTRODUCTION The letter of Paul to Timothy 1Tim 5:6 highlights a characteristic that should not be found in any believer. Paul calls this living in pleasure. This characteristic means to be complacent about the things of GOD. Any believer who knows the value of salvation should not be tired of living and working for God. If you feel like giving up, I prophesy that the power that raised Jesus from the dead will lift you up this morning In Jesus name. The teaching of Christ clearly tells us the blessedness of living as true believers. He says of believers, you are the salt of the earth, if salt loses its savor, it becomes useless. You will not become useless in the house of God in Jesus name. He also says, you are the light of the world, let your light shine before men that they may glorify [...]