TEXT:  EXODUS 14:10-28

INTRODUCTION: The key to advancement, is understanding what to do with God given resources. God has given us a mouth that can speak, authority in the name of Jesus and His word, and a hand to do things. Despite these God given resources, the children of Israel still complained to Moses when the enemy pursued after they had left Egypt. When Moses went up to God, God simply told him to deploy the resources He had already given them. Sometimes we want God to do everything for us when He has given us the necessary things required to resolve our issues. God has been working in our lives  to bring re-awakening and deliverance for the past year and all who have been serious would have noticed what God had done in their lives. God had delivered Israel and awakened them to their destiny, but they still could not trust God to help them across the Red Sea. This is despite all the miracles He wrought for them in Egypt. Brethren we need to advance by trusting God in situations and overcoming obstacles that may come our way in the coming year. God has incomparable ability to work on our behalf over any obstacles. Tell your neighbor move on. The coming year is a year of moving on in the gains of the past year. May the Lord grant is the grace and zeal in Jesus name.

1.Authority in Moses: God’s relationship to Moses was founded in the names He revealed. He had revealed Himself as Yahweh- unchanging, eternal, sovereign and covenant keeping God. The rod God gave to Moses was a symbol of God’s word or authority. God is bound by His word. God had never failed to help in time of need as demonstrated by the plagues in Egypt. He would not, on this occasion of desperation. God had promised deliverance, and the instruction to tell the people to move forward, was a back-up to that promise. God is saying to someone; there is no need to cry or complain, you have authority in Christ, the Word of God. It is a time to move on. God that promised deliverance will continue to back you up in the coming year. Moses needed to use his position as leader and mediator to generate immediate action instead of allowing the people to spread panic. Speak to your situation (Rom.10:8)- Indecisive leadership can lead to chaos. It was a defining moment of faith and to trust in  God. Moses was to act in faith, lead in faith. If the leader does not trust , how will the people? Leader should lead in obedience even when task seem impossible. It is the kind of faith that moves God to act especially when it is in line with His will and purposes. You , like Moses have authority and you have to act decisively trusting God to keep His promise

  1. Command to lift the staff: What is that in your hand? Lifting of the rod is an act of obedience and it releases authority and divine power as seen in miracles in Egypt. There is great power and authority in the word of God. The word of God is a multifaceted tool, like a hammer, a fire and a sword and is effective in our prayer because God honors His word even above His name. His word never fail and would always accomplish all that He sent it to do. When the word dwells in you richly, it is available for use as it is deployed against obstacles that want to hinder our uplifting and progress. Faith and belief in the word has to be followed through with action for “faith without works is dead”. The Red sea was the obstacle to the safety of the Israelites and as Moses stretched forth the hand with the rod, the sea was divided, obstacle removed. – this is the partnership required in the New Year to make things work. Moses hands was deliberate, just as what we do to partner with God must be. This is the reason God gave us His promises so that we can say it back to Him. God cannot do anything on earth without man’s cooperation. When Moses lifted his hands, God brought the east wind to accomplish His purpose. The instruction was to divide the sea, split it, and create a supernatural path through the waters. It was not the first time God had done such (Gen.1:6-7). This miracle was needed so that God’s people can escape, a foreshadow of deliverance through Christ, and from death to life.
  2. Advancement and result: The Israelites went through signifying the completeness of the miracle. God provided and cared for His people, ensuring their safe passage. It also showed God’s control over creation to bring His will to pass and fulfil His purposes. The result is the overcoming the hindrance and destruction of the enemy. It was a judgment against the enemies of His people. In the same way, as you cooperate with God in the New Year, God will remove obstacles, destroy and bring judgment on all your enemies. The Egyptians brought human power against the power of God and lost. Moses’ obedience and faith led to divine intervention as faith leads to salvation. God can alter natural order according to His divine will. He will do so for you also. The enemy that were fleeing towards the sea depending on their human power misread the situation of what was happening, and their pride in going against God’s will, led to their downfall. Your enemies will miscalculate concerning you to their detriment in Jesus name. It is a warning not to be proud, and futility in resisting God’s will. God will always have victory over evil, and it is hope and reassurance to us. The waters which had been parted to let the people pass turned against their enemies. The obstacles that God removes from your way will swallow your enemies. God once again showed His ability to manipulate natural elements to fulfil His purposes. The Egyptians were completely defeated as no human power can stand against the will of God. His people will always triumph. All powers that wanted to enslave the people of God were completely annihilated, denoting God’s justice and commitment to liberation of His people. The hard hearts of the Egyptians due to pride, contributed to their ultimate journey to disaster. God’s judgment is serious and we need to align to His purposes, for the Egyptians who were against it, never survived. This should inspire us to trust in God’s protection and remain faithful to His calling. The year 2025 is hereby declared to be “OUR YEAR OF DIVINE PARTNERSHIP AND PROGRESS”